Meeting Agendas

March 2022 agenda

Ravenfield Parish Council

Ravenfield Parish Hall Birchwood Drive Ravenfield Rotherham

S65 4PT

Email: Telephone: 07462 468050

24 March 2022

Dear Councillors

You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Ravenfield Parish Council to be held in Ravenfield Parish Hall on

Thursday 31 March 2022 commencing at 6:30 for the purpose of transacting the following business.

Gemma O’Carroll

Proper Officer of the Council

Circulation List

Councillor Rowley (Chairman), Councillor Jupp (Vice-Chair), Councillor Callear, Councillor Jay, Councillor Leach,

Councillor O’Nion, Councillor Pearson.


There will be a public session within the meeting. Questions from the public may be submitted by 5:00 Wednesday 30 March 2022 to

1. Apologies - to receive and accept apologies and reason for absence.

2. Declaration of disclosable pecuniary and other interests

  1. To receive disclosures by members of any disclosable pecuniary interests for the purposes of Section 31 of the Localism Act 2011 and any other relevant interests under the Members’ Code of Conduct
  2. To receive and decide upon request for dispensations to councillors to take part in discussions and votes where they have declared disclosable pecuniary interests.

3. Items to be considered in the absence of the public and press - To identify any agenda items where resolutions may be moved to exclude the press and public, Under Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, S1 (2)).

4. Public participation - maximum time allocation 30 minutes

Members of the public are welcome to stay for the Council meeting after the public session, as observers, but will not be able to join in the discussion unless invited to do so by the Chairman.

5. Confirmation of minutes – To receive and confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held in Ravenfield Parish Hall on Thursday 10 February 2022 (attached).

6. Matters arising from the minutes - To note any matters arising from the minutes of the last Council.

7. Correspondence – To receive the following items and decide further action where necessary:

    1. Suggestion of planting wild flowers, Jubilee Field
    2. Spencer Drive, Parking Issues
    3. Complaint of Parish Hall users damaging residents fence
    4. Objection to a bike track on Jubilee Field
    5. Complaints regarding trees on Jubilee Field
    6. Consultation opportunity on Safer Rotherham priorities 2022-25
    7. Pet Food Bank
    8. Community Info Day - Bramley and Ravenfield ward
    9. Hollings Lane Parking

8. Matters relating to the recreation grounds – To consider the following items and decide further action where necessary:

  1. Jubilee Field, Drain Survey – update
  2. Hollings Lane Play Area – Graffiti
  3. Hollings Lane Play Area – Replacement Swing Basket, update
  4. Jubilee Field – Tree Maintenance Programme

9. Matters relating to the Parish - To consider the following items and decide further action where necessary:

  1. Emergency Bleed Kit - update
  2. Queens Platinum Jubilee Celebrations
  3. Christmas Events (Brass Band and Light Switch on)
  4. Memorial Bench – Braithwell Road, update
  5. Jubilee Field – Annual Tree Maintenance

10. Matters relating to the Parish Hall - To consider the following items and decide further action where necessary:

a. Parish Hall – Outdoor Benches

b. Defibrillator

11.  Matters relating to the parish council - 

  • To consiider the following items and decide further action where necessary:
    1. Online Banking – update
    2. Staff Pension Policy – update
    3. NALC – 2021-2022, National Salary Award
    4. Ravenfield Emergency Community Plan
    5. Rotherham MBC, Joint Working Group, Minutes.
    6. Community Plan Questionnaire

12. Reports from ravenfield community group plan – To receive reports from members of the group and decide further action where necessary.

(a) Minutes of meeting 2 March 2022.

13. Reports from ravenfield allotmnet committee - To receive the following items and decide further action where necessary:

(a) Tenancy Agreement

(b) Gate Key Access

(c) NAS AGM, 18 June 2022, Colchester.

14 Matters realting to Redrow development

(a) Moor Lane South Planning Application - Refusal (RB2021/0538)

(b) Flanderwell Mini Roundabout - Improvement Plans

15. Matters relating to green items (a) Rotherham Nature Recovery Campaign

16. Planning

RB2022/0190 – 19 Spencer Drive. Single storey side and rear extension.

Plan Portal

RB2022/0360 - Red Gables, Ravenfield Lane. Installation of ground based solar panels in the rear garden.

Plan Portal

RB2021/1684 - Grass verge outside 55 Braithwell Road. Sitting of a memorial bench.

Plan Portal

17. External meetings – To receive information.

(a) Parish Council Network Meeting (Rotherham MBC) – 11 May 2022, 6:00 – 8:00

18. Yorkshire local councils associations - To consider the following received items and decide further action where necessary:

(a) Civility and Respect Project

19. Financial matter – To receive and approve the following:

(a) Update on the Council’s finances

(b) Payments to be made

(c) Review of RMBC Grounds Maintenance Contract

20. Date and time of next meeting

(a) To confirm the date and time of the next meeting, Thursday 14 April 2022 at 6:30pm.

(b) To confirm the date and time of the Annual Parish Council meeting

21. Items for the agenda of the next meeting - To agree on items to be included on the agenda of the next meeting of the Council.

22. Discussion of any item(s) for which the press and public have been excluded - To discuss and take decisions about any agenda item(s) for which the press and public have been excluded

23. Closure of the meeting

1 A Councillor is at risk of prosecution for committing criminal offences in s.34 of the 2011 Localism Act if they, without dispensation, participates or votes on a matter being considered in which they have a disclosable pecuniary interest (s.31(4) of the 2011Act). Or written notification of such DPI has not already been given to the Monitoring Officer and the member does not provide written notification of the interest to the Monitoring Officer with 28 days of the meeting (ss.31(2) and (3) of the 2011 Act. Or they knowingly or recklessly provide false or misleading information about the above (s.34 (2) of the 2011 Act).