Meeting minutes

Draft December meeting minutes

Minutes of the Ravenfield Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 9 December 2021 at 6.30pm in Ravenfield Parish Hall, chaired by Councillor D Rowley.

Present: Councillors B Callear, K Jay, R Jupp, T Leach, R O’Nion, N Pearson, D Rowley and Clerk G O’Carroll.

Two members of the public were present.

215/21 Apologies - no apologies received, all Councillors present.

216/21 Declaration Of Disclosable Peculinary And Other Intersts - none declared.

217/21 Items To Be Considered In The Absence Of The Public And Press - no items

218/21 Public Participation - see attached report

219/21 Confirmation Of Minutes - The Council RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 11 November 2021 be a true and accurate record of the proceedings.

220/21 Matters Arising From The Minutes. - Councillor Rowley raised minute 202/21 (d), to ask if there are any updates in arranging a meeting with Councillor Reed and other parties to discuss Moor Lane South development? The Clerk confirmed that Ward Councillor Mills had acknowledged the email request and forwarded onto the Neighbourhood Co-ordinator.

Action - Councillor Reynolds was present and offered to take this up with the Neighbour Co-ordinator.

Under public participation, a parishioner asked if there were any plans for Ward Councillor Surgeries, in Ravenfield Parish Hall? Ward Councillor Reynolds and Mills have confirmed that they have no plans to hold surgeries at this time.

221/21 Correspondence -

(a) Emergency Bleed Kit – The Council agreed in principle, and confirmed that they would be happy to have placed in the Parish Hall. Action: Clerk to respond to Councillor Mills with the Councils comments.

(b) An email was received from a parishioner raising complaint with the school bus service from Maltby Academy to Ravenfield. The complaint explained that the bus often does not arrive, and there are child safe guarding/safety concerns. On receipt of the email, the Clerk wrote to First Bus Ltd, and circulated copies to various bodies, including South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive. No reply has been received.

Action - Clerk to chase this further, and direct the complaint to SYPTE.

(c) The Council RESOLVED to donate £50.00 to Silverwood Colliery Heritage Group, to support the event marking the anniversary of the last shift worked – to be held at 5:00pm, 24 December 2021, held at the Colliery Wheel.

222/21 Reports From Ravenfield Community Group Plan - Meeting held on 8 December 2021. Discussed funding for Jubilee Field. Request was received for a copy of the initial Bike Track quotation.

Action- Clerk to arrange.

Community picnic – date set for Saturday 5 June 2022.

Lamppost poppies have been taken down and returned to the Parish Hall. To be re-used next year, and hope to build on the numbers.

Pop up Café dates have been submitted to the Parish Council. The Clerk confirmed that these have been

Working on creating a flyer to distribute to every household, detailing all scheduled events, and groups available to Ravenfield Parish Council – 9 December 2021

The group have discussed looking at a yellow board notice sign– advertising events within the community. Next meeting, 2 March 2022.

(a) RCGP are now listed with the Co-op, Local Community Fund. Comments made that we should encourage local shopping in the community to support local businesses. It was noted that it is not possible to buy all items at the local shop and by shopping at the Co-op people can still support the local groups/community.

223/21 Matters Relating To The Recreation Grounds

(a) Jubilee field, drainage update. No formal update received from Rotherham MBC. Works look to be complete. All plant equipment removed. Parish Councillors commented that they feel further drainage works will be necessary before the land can be developed further, eg: play area/bike track etc.

(b) Stone boulders, Hollings Lane. These were moved by Cadent when gas pipe works were carried out early 2021. The Clerk has repeatedly reported this to Cadent, with acknowledgement received, but no works have been carried out to restore the boulders to their original position. Gaps in the boulders allow bike access onto Hollings Lane playing field. Rotherham MBC have confirmed that they have no direct contact details for Cadent.


-Councillor O’Nion asked the Clerk to forward all photographs and he would try to make contact with Cadent/obtain contact details

224/21 Matters Relating To The Parish -

(a) It was RESOLVED that Maltby Brass Band, play in the following locations when visiting Ravenfield, On Wednesday 22 December 2021, commencing at 7:00. Radford Close, Longfield Drive/Smeaton Close, Silvermoor Drive and Old Ravenfield. Rotherham MBC will provide festive facemasks to hand out on the evening. Ward and Parish Councillors to meet at the Parish Hall at 6:30pm to collect festive face masks for distribution.

225/21 Matters Relating To The Parish Hall

(a) Book Swap Library – additional shelving requested by the librarian. Councillor Pearson obtained costs for shelving at £342.85 including VAT, plus approximately £20 labour. The Council RESOLVED to purchase additional shelving but added that we must not allow books to pile up on the floor etc. Any books that do not fit on shelving must be donated to charity shops.

(b) PAT Testing, scheduled to take place in the Parish Hall, Friday 14 January 2022, 8:30am. All users of the Hall are invited to bring in electrical appliances used when hiring the Hall.

(c) Parish Hall, car park bollards have been damaged. Clerk asked if these should be replaced? The Council would like the damaged bollards to be replaced, and to look at reflectors being fitted to the stone bollards.

Action - Clerk to obtain costs for replacement bollards and reflectors.

226/21 Matters Relating To The Parish Council -

(a) Unity bank account is set to go, however a paying in card has not yet arrived. The Clerk chased this with Unity bank on two occasions. 25 November 2021 Unity confirmed that a new paying in card had been requested and to allow 15 working days for this to arrive. The plan is still to commence use of the bank account from 1 January 2022.

(b) Parish Asset Valuation – update. The surveyors report recommends the base sum for the Hall building be £550,000.00. It was RESOLVED that we amend the insurance policy valuation sum from £375,567.00 to £550,000.00. The amendment will cost £100.86 for the remainder of this year’s policy.

(c) Staff Pension Policy. The Clerk confirmed South Yorkshire Pensions Authorities have emailed a number of forms to begin the application process.

227/21 Matters Relating To The Parish Allotments -

(a) The Council RESOLVED that the minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on Thursday 2 December 2021 be a true and accurate record of the proceedings.

(b) Financial Support. The Council would like to support the Allotment Committee, but RESOLVED to wait for the Committee to formalise itself and obtain sufficient quotations.

(c) Additional Item – to note that Andy Lee (Rotherham MBC, Green Spaces Manager) will meet on site Monday 13 December 2021, 1:30pm, to review the allotment site and access to this.

(d) Additional Item – Resident on Birchwood Drive has requested a key to the allotments so to allow Northern Power Grid onto the land, to conduct routine maintenance works. The Council RESOLVED that no key should be issued.

Action - Clerk to make contact with Northern Power Grid and any key access to be directed to the Parish Council and not local resident/s. A notice of this information to also be displayed on the Allotment gates.

Planning - No planning applications received.

229/21 External Meetings - The Remembrance Service held at the memorial, Moor Lane North, on Sunday 14 November 2021, was well attended. Remembrance Service 2022, noted that this should be advertised more, and to make the public aware that they can place their own wreaths at the memorial. This information should be included in the annnual newsletter. Suggestion received that a brass memorial plaque be placed on the memorial with names listed (as per the memorial in St James Church). RESOLVED no plaque should be placed. The memorial is for remembrance of all occasions and not just world wars.

230/21 Yorkshire Local Councils Associations -

(a) Remote Meeting update from NALC – information circulated. Parish Councillors do not feel it necessary to submit a letter in favour of remote meetings.

(b) FCC Community Action Fund. The Clerk advised that the deadline to the next round of applications is approaching, but unable to submit an application as no project plans yet in place for Jubilee field.

231/21 Minor Items And Items For The Next Agenda

(a) Business Continuity Plan (template)

(b) Publish meeting dates for 2022

(c) New agenda heading “Green Items” for future meetings

(d) New agenda heading “Redrow Development” for future meetings

232/21 232/21 Financial Matters

(a) Update on Council’s finances. The information was noted and approved.

(b) Payments to be made were approved.

(c) Authorised signatories Councillor Pearson and Councillor Rowley signed a letter of complaint addressed to HSBC, prepared by the Clerk, in relation to the recent events in the Clerk being refused to discuss the account, and the number of cheques declined by HSBC.

(d) 2022/2023 budget, draft was reviewed, and amendments requested. RESOLVED to increase Christmas column lights by three. Revised copy to be received at the next Council meeting for approval before setting the precept.

233/21 Date And Time Of Next Meeting - The date and time of the next meeting was confirmed as 13 January 2022 at 6.30pm, to be held in the Parish Hall.

234/21 Exclusion Of The Press And Public - It was moved that under Section 100(A)4 of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12(A) of such Act indicated, as now amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) (Variation) Order 2006, information relates to finance and business affairs. It was moved that under Section 100(A)4 of the Local Government Act 1972 the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business due to the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.

235/21 Discussion Of Items For Which The Press And Public Have Been Excluded.

236/21 Closure Of Meeting

The meeting was closed at 9:06pm.