Meeting minutes

February 2023 Minutes

Minutes of Ravenifield Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 9th February 2023 at 18:30 in Ravenfield Parish Hall, chaired by Vice Chairman, Councillor N Pearson.

Present:Councillors K Jay, M Jones, R Jupp, T Leech, N Pearson, D Rowley and Clerk G O'Carroll

Five members of the public were present.

  1. Apologies

    Councillor Callear was not present, no apologies recieved.

  2. Decleartion of disclosable pecuniary and other interests

    • Non declared.
  3. Items to be considered in the absence of the public and press

  4. Public participation

  5. Confirmation of the minutes

    The Council Resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 12th January 2023 be a true and accurate record of the proceedings

  6. Matters arising from the minutes.

  7. Correspondence

    The Council Resolved to grant free of charge hall hire for the Lost Cord events on Saturday 4th March,1st April,3rd June, 1st July and 5th August 2023 13:00 - 15:00

  8. Matters relating to the recreation grounds

    • Ravenfield Community Plan Group have requested that the Counicl obtain qoutations ofor an all weather perimeter path of Jubilee field. The Council instructed the Clerk to obtain qoutations and advice from contractors, and feed back to the Council at the next meeting
      Actions: Clerk

  9. Matters relating to the Parish

    • New Noticeboard - Braithwell Road/Radcliffe Close. The planning application fee of £117.00 has been paid.The council have requested a new site plan to identify the position of the bench and noticeboard,opposed to the are marked to install both items.

    • Councillor Pearson and Councillor Rowley will attend the Bramley and Ravenfield CAP meeting on 13th March 2023
  10. Matters relating to the Parish Hall

    To consider the following items and decide further action where necessary:

    • The Armco safety barrier is scheduled to be installed on Wednesday 22nd February 2023.
    • Additional Item - Counicllor Pearson suggested a towel rail be fitted above the radiotr in the kitchen area to dry tea towel. The Council resolved to approve purchase of a towel rail. 
      Actions:Clerk to purchase.
    • Additional Items - request was made for bread knives to be made avaliable in the kithcen. The council resolved to approve purchase of two bread knives.
      Action:Clerk to purchase.
  11. Matters relating to the Parish Council

    To consider the following items and decide further action where necessary:

    • Community Plan 2022-2026 – The report was circulated to Councillors. It was agreed to be reviewed at the next meeting.
    • The Council resolved to approve th purchase of a new laptop for the Clerk, maxiumum spend of £806.00
    •  The Council resolved to adopt the Key Safe Policy.
  12. Reports from Ravenfield Allotment Society

    No report recieved.

  13. Matters relating to Redwood Development

    • Councillor Rowley raised the concerns of there being no direction to route HGV’s onto site in one direction and a separate direction out, at the Rotherham MBC, Bramley and Ravenfield CAP meeting on 18 January 2023. Rotherham MBC Senior Highways Manager, Simon Gammons, has confirmed that the developer has permission to form two accesses. The Council resolved to remove this agenda item for the time being.

    • Comment was made in regards the uneven pavement and damage to grass verges on Moor Lane South, between the junctions of Silvermoor Drive and Spencer Drive. The damaged has occurred by contractors digging the area for various utility works.
      Action: Clerk to report the damage to Rotherham MBC Highways and Redrow Homes Ltd.

  14. Matters relating to green items

  15. Planning

    • RB2023/0020 – 3-5 Main Street, Ravenfield. Listed building consent for extension to main house and refurbishment of one of the outbuildings.
    • RB2023/0087 – 3-5 Main Street, Ravenfield. Extension to main house and refurbishment of one of the outbuildings
    • RB2023/0021 – 2 Church Close, Ravenfield. Erection of single storey extension and extension to existing garage
    • RB2022-1852 – 29 Hollings Lane, Ravenfield. Demolition of existing bungalow and outbuildings. Construction of detached bungalow and detached outbuilding, proposed alteration to No.29a and extend access to highway.
    • RB2023/0057 – 3 Bosville Close, Ravenfield. Application to undertake work to tree(s) within Ravenfield conservation area.
    • RB2023/0081 – 58 Braithwell Road, Ravenfield. Prior Notification for a larger house extension with a 4m rear extension, a height of 2.6m to the eaves and an overall height of 3.3m.
      Planning applications noted.No objections raised.
  16. External meetings

    Councillor Rowley attended the Rotherham MBC Ravenfield and Bramley CAP meeting on 18 January 2023.

  17. Yorkshire Local Councils Associations

    To consider the following received items and decide further action where necessary:

  18. Finanical Matters

    • Update on Council’s finances. The information was noted and approved.
    • Payments to be made were approved
  19. Date and TIme of next meeting

    The date and time of the next meeting was confirmed as Thursday 9 March 2023 at 6.30pm, to be held in the Parish Hall.

  20. Items for the agenda of the next meeting

    • Community Plan Survey Report and Action Plan
    • Ravenfield Memorial Quarry Stone
    • Review Caretakers Salary
  21. Exclusion of  the Press and Public

    It was moved that under Section 100(A)4 of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12(A) of such Act indicated, as now amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) (Variation) Order 2006, information relates to finance and business affairs. It was moved that under Section 100(A)4 of the Local Government Act 1972 the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business due to the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.

  22. Discussion of any item(s) for which the press and public have been excluded.


  23. Closer of the meeting

    The meeting was closed at 8:15pm